Afaq Technology that speaks your language

We provide smart solutions that go beyond technology, supported by talented experts who believe that your success is their priority...

Ensure the success of your event through our services
Easy To Use
Secure all data
Multiple payment methods
Smart Dashboard
Multiple User
Technical Support 24\7
Limitless Access
Diversity of events
choose the appropriate package according to type of event
The most widely used health education technology

AFAQ was established to help entities provide their educational services with high quality through an easy system that provides all the options necessary to manage health events with high professionalism.


Provide distinguished medical content with recording and publishing services through Afaq platform under the supervision of the Scientific Committee.

Enjoy a unique experience and manage your activity easily through Afaq platform, which allows you to provide the most complex services clearly and easily, supported by user-friendly interfaces for both the trainee and the speaker.

In coordination with the host agency, we obtain activity accreditation from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and upload CME hours for all trainees.

Ensure ease of learning through Afaq applications that enable the trainee to attend events of all kinds, reserve seats, pay and manage his account easily through his mobile device.

We have allocated a control panel for the trainee to manage his account on Afaq platform and maintain all previous education records, attendance certificates, and scientific materials, with easy access to all activities provided by various parties.

We offer various electronic payment options to collect the registration fees, with the possibility of providing approved installment services to some participating parties.

Enhance the attendance of the target groups through marketing services on Afaq platform, social media, and other means of communication, and remember that thousands are waiting to know all that is new in health sciences.

We provide an electronic registration system dedicated to health events of all kinds, allowing all those wishing to attend the event to register from anywhere with ease and comfort.

Wide Range Of Content Medical Types
Learning management systems and services

Integrated services and systems for managing health events and professional programs with a quality that meets your needs and more.

Learning management systems and services

Integrated services and systems for managing health events and professional programs with a quality that meets your needs and more.

Afaq Business Statistics
1777 Instructor
106337 Users
102008 Certificates
1018 Courses
Success Partners
What our partners in success say?